All Posts Tagged With: "Olympics"

World Links: Suicide Bombing in Pakistan; 4,000 Troops for Afghanistan

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Mar 27th, 2009

China Prep: Audio: When China Becomes the World’s Largest Economy

China will inevitably become the largest economy in the world, according to Andrew Nathan, chair of Columbia University's department of Political Science.

Aug 12th, 2008

Heart of Darfur: History of Sudan

A timeline of Sudan's history from its colonial past to turbulent present.

Jul 1st, 2008

China Prep: Production Diary

Director Marije Meerman blogs from China, where she's shooting a film about the gaokao, China's national college entrance exam.

Jun 18th, 2008

Victory Is Your Duty: Olympic Timeline

By positioning tiny Cuba on the map of world sports, not only did Fidel carve an image of greatness for his country, but also one that distinguished Cuba from both its supporters (USSR) and its enemies (USA).

Jul 10th, 2007

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