All Posts Tagged With: "poll"

China Prep: Poll: Should a standardized test like China’s gaokao exclusively determine who gets into college?

See results of Wide Angle poll.

Aug 12th, 2008

18 with a Bullet: Poll: Should the U.S. send criminals who are illegal immigrants back to their home countries?

What do you think about the deportation of criminals from the United States? Take our poll.

Aug 5th, 2008

Burning Season: Poll: Should “green” entrepreneurs make money off of saving the environment?

See results of Wide Angle poll.

Jul 22nd, 2008

Poll: Do you think trained health workers in the developing world who have not completed medical school should be allowed to perform surgery?

Do you think trained health workers in the developing world who have not completed medical school should be allowed to perform surgery? Vote and view results now.

Jul 15th, 2008

Japan’s About-Face: Poll: Should the Japanese SDF participate in American military operations around the world?

Take the poll: Should the Japanese SDF participate in American military operations around the world?

Jul 8th, 2008

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