All Posts Tagged With: "Romania"

Gold Futures: Rosia Montana and the Gold Mine

by Craig S. Smith. Journalists are supposed to be impartial, but they rarely really are. We gather information and then decide which bits to present to our audience and in what order to present them. It's by definition a manipulative process.

Jun 1st, 2009

Gold Futures: Vocabulary and Resources

glossary, suggested reading and Web sites

Jun 1st, 2009

Gold Futures: Themes and Video Segments

This is a list of important themes and video segments that can be used in classroom discussions of Gold Futures.

Jun 1st, 2009

Gold Futures: Discussion Guide Introduction

Gold Futures is a David-and-Goliath story set in a scenic Romanian village in the heart of Transylvania. At stake: a massive deposit of gold ore -- and a 2000-year-old village community that has existed since the ancient Romans founded a mining town on the edge of their empire.

Jun 1st, 2009

Gold Futures: Resources

Links to more information on gold mining in Romania.

Aug 22nd, 2007

Gold Futures: Timeline

History of gold mining in Romania.

Aug 22nd, 2007

Watch Video

Gold Futures: Full Episode

Gold Futures is a David-and-Goliath story set in a scenic Romanian village in the heart of Transylvania. At stake: a massive deposit of gold ore — and a 2000-year-old village community.

Aug 21st, 2007

Kids Cards

See how the children featured in WIDE ANGLE episode "Time for School" are faring now in the "Kid Cards" photo essay.

Sep 5th, 2006

Photo Essay: Combating Illiteracy

A photo essay about innovative programs that offer basic education to the poorest children.

Sep 4th, 2004

Essay: Girls’ Education in Developing Countries: Mind the Gap

Girls' education is emerging as one of the top priorities of the international development community.

Sep 4th, 2004

Watch Video

Time for School Series: Full Episode: Time for School

More than a hundred million children have never spent a day in school. Time for School spotlights the global crisis in access to education.

Sep 4th, 2004

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