All Posts Tagged With: "University of Brasilia"

Brazil in Black and White: Video Segment 4

The University of Brasilia's affirmative action process is about to enter a crucial week. Students who have identified themselves as Afro-Brazilian must pose for a photograph that will be evaluated by a secret committee. This panel will try to determine whether students look "black enough" to qualify for the quota system.

Jun 1st, 2009

Brazil in Black and White: Video Segment 3

To participate in the University of Brasilia's quota program, applicants must do something most have never been required to do - identify themselves as black.

Jun 1st, 2009

Brazil in Black and White: Discussion Guide Introduction

Brazil has long presented itself as a "racial democracy" but deep disparities in income, education and employment have finally prompted a campaign for equal treatment for Afro-Brazilians. Brazil in Black and White captures a unique moment as a nation looks in the mirror.

Jun 1st, 2009

Brazil in Black and White: Video Segment 1

Seventeen-year-old Josie de Souza is one of almost 23,000 students taking this year's entrance exam for the University of Brasilia. She hopes to be one of those admitted under its new racial quota system.

Jun 1st, 2009

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