All Posts Tagged With: "women"

Class of 2006: Introduction

(July 25, 2006) WIDE ANGLE cameras are on location in Morocco as history is made. In May 2006, an imam academy in the city of Rabat holds a graduation ceremony. But the class of 2006 includes 50 women pioneers, among the first contemporary group of women to be officially trained as religious leaders in the Arab world.

Jul 11th, 2011

Pickles, Inc.: Introduction

(August 30, 2005) In February 2003, eight widows of Tamra decided to challenge convention by starting up a business venture -- the Azka Pickle Cooperative -- seeking financial independence for themselves and their children. WIDE ANGLE follows these women as they establish a tiny factory for pickling vegetables and develop a market for their product in local stores.

Jul 11th, 2011

Underground Zimbabwe: Introduction

Focal Point brings you to the black markets and underground protest movements of Zimbabwe.

Jan 1st, 2010

Kenyan Women Boycott Sex

Kenyan women are calling for a week-long sex boycott to protest a rift in the nation's coalition government -- and they've got the Prime Minister's wife on board.

Apr 30th, 2009

Viking Women Aim to End to the Age of Testosterone

Iceland will be holding elections this Saturday, and women are poised to take charge.

Apr 24th, 2009

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Underground Zimbabwe: Demonstrating Under Dictatorship

In defiance of repressive laws curtailing public gatherings, a women's empowerment movement stages non-violent street protests to agitate bread-and-butter issues.

Feb 11th, 2009

Iraqi Women Campaign for Change

Of an estimated 14,400 candidates for provincial offices, nearly 4,000 are women.

Jan 30th, 2009


WIDE ANGLE is planning a bold new mini-series Women, War & Peace to challenge the conventional wisdom that war and peace are men’s domain and to place women at the center of an urgent dialogue about conflict and security.

Jan 21st, 2009

Project Advisors

Advisors to Women, War and Peace, the upcoming mini-series from Wide Angle.

Jan 3rd, 2009

Court Rules Virginity not an Essential Quality

An appeals court in France reinstated a marriage between two Muslims who split up on their wedding night because the bride had lied about her virginity.

Nov 18th, 2008

Saudi Arabia’s First Women’s University

Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has announced plans to build the first women-only university in the kingdom, and vows that it will be the largest women’s university in the world.

Oct 31st, 2008

Rwanda Elects World’s First Majority-Female Parliament

When you think of bastions of women’s rights, Eastern Africa does not immediately spring to mind. But this month Rwanda became the first country in the world to have a majority-female parliament.

Oct 28th, 2008

Ladies First: Resources

Link to more information about Afghanistan.

Jul 22nd, 2008

A Woman Among Warlords: Photo Essay: Portraits of Afghan Women

The women featured in this slideshow are participants in the sponsorship program of Women for Women International.

Sep 11th, 2007

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