
Political System: Liberal democracy
Administrative Divisions: 50 states and one federal district (Washington, D.C.)
Political Parties: Democratic Party, liberal center; Republican Party, right of center; Reform Party, pro-democratic
Government Structure: President and vice president elected by universal suffrage (but through an electoral college) for four-year terms, renewable once. Legislative branch consists of the House of Representatives with 435 members distributed proportionately among the states (where they are elected in congressional districts for two-year terms) and the Senate, comprised of two members per state, elected for six-year terms.
National Anthem: “The Star-Spangled Banner”

Political System:
Liberal democracy
Administrative Divisions:
23 provinces and one federal district (Buenos Aires)
Political Parties:
Radical Civic Union Party (UCR), moderate centrist; Justicialist Party (PJ), Peronist (right-wing); Movement for Dignity and Independence (Modin), right wing; Front for a Country in Solidarity (Frepaso), left of center.
Government Structure:
President and vice president elected by direct universal suffrage for four-year terms, renewable once. Legislature consists of a senate, with 69 members elected by provincial legislatures for nine-year terms, and a directly elected 259-member chamber of deputies. Each province has one governor and a legislature.
National Anthem:
“Here, O Mortals, the Sacred Cry of Liberty”