July 25th, 2006
Class of 2006
Map: Family Law in the Middle East and North Africa: Morocco

Source: CIA World Factbook 2006

Marriage Age: Since February 2004, the minimum marriage age is 18 years for both men and women.

Polygamy: Men are allowed to have up to four wives, subject to consent of prior wives and judicial approval. A woman may prohibit polygamy in the marriage contract, has the right of notification, and may apply for divorce if her husband takes an additional wife. Before taking an additional wife, a man must prove he will be able to provide for all wives equally.

Marriage Guardianship:
A woman must consent to her marriage, and may take her guardian to court if he refuses to allow her to marry.

Divorce: As part of the 2004 reforms, Morocco established the right to divorce by mutual consent and placed judicial restrictions on unilateral divorce by the husband. The wife may apply for divorce on specified grounds.

Child custody:
A divorced mother has custody of her sons until puberty and of her daughters until marriage.

Source: Islamic Family Law, special project of Emory Law School; Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and Rand Corporation; Ministry of Communications, Kingdom of Morocco

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