July 25th, 2002
Greetings from Grozny

BBC News: The Chechen Conflict
Read the profiles of Russian and Chechen leaders or about how the war in Chechnya has extended to the Internet as hackers from both sides of the conflict tamper with pro-Chechen or Moscow-backed Web sites.

Human Rights Watch: Chechnya
Watch video interviews with relatives of the “disappeared” in Chechnya and view a gallery of Chechen children’s drawings about their war experiences.

Institute for War and Peace Reporting
The Institute for War and Peace Reporting is an independent educational organization in London that tracks events in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Afghanistan and the Balkans. Read an interview with former Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov or sign up for the weekly Caucasus Reporting Service for coverage and analysis of events in the region.

Memorial, a Russian human rights organization, provides an overview of conditions for Chechen refugees and within the breakaway republic itself, plus online accounts of zachistki — security-sweeps by Russian forces.

The Moscow Times
This Moscow-based English-language daily gained much attention for its reporting of Russia’s first war in Chechnya in 1994-1996 and continues to provide regular updates on the region.

Prague Watchdog: Crisis in Chechnya
Get an in-depth account of the war through weekly and monthly reports from this Czech human rights organization.

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