September 20th, 2005
H5N1 - Killer Flu

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
This Department of Health and Human Services web site has information on health and safety topics, traveler’s information, and a compilation of data and statistics on public health. The avian flu link provides information about avian influenza, outbreaks, and the risks to human health.

World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Web site for the OIE that monitors veterinary and animal health situations around the world. Includes disease alerts, press releases, conference updates, and OIE publications. Read official reports on avian influenza in animals for each country affected by H5N1.

World Health Organization
The WHO web site reports on the status of global human health. Consists of current information on disease outbreaks, emergencies, mother and child health, and travel information. Click here for the most recent situation updates on avian influenza.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Provides updates on food and agriculture programs, news reports on world hunger, and special initiatives. Search this site for the latest information on how the avian flu is affecting domestic poultry and wild birds.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
The NIAID, part of the National Institute of Health, conducts and supports basic and applied research to better understand, treat, and prevent infectious, immunological, and allergic diseases. Explore this site to learn about the latest allergy and infectious disease news, research, and funding. Find out about the investigation and development of an avian flu vaccine and vaccine trials.

International Society for Infectious Diseases
A society of individuals interested in infectious diseases. Find out about conferences, workshops, grants, and fellowships. Click on the ProMED-mail link to read the most recent information on avian influenza.

United States Department of Health and Human Services
Read the American government’s official response plan to an influenza pandemic. Find out what the U.S. is doing as far as surveillance, vaccine development, research, preparedness, and antivirals. Examine the State and Local Pandemic Planning Guide and discover how the federal government advises your state to protect you in the event of a pandemic.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Read OSHA’s guide for protecting workers against avian flu.

Wildlife Conservation Society
Learn about the Wildlife Conservation Society’s efforts to save wildlife and wild lands through science, education and wildlife parks. Read this press release about the global efforts being taken to study and contain the influenza virus.

European Scientific Working Group on Influenza
Search this site for information on the influenza virus, flu diagnosis, epidemiology, prevention, and control. Watch a streaming video produced by ESWI and Vevirra Films about the global threat of avian influenza.

Avian Influenza Virus Program
The University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources web site is dedicated to the study of the molecular basis for interspecies transmission and pathogenesis of avian influenza viruses. Learn about the molecular structure of the virus, its evolution, itssignificance to public health, and the possibility of using avian flu as a bioweapon.

Hong Kong Government Information Centre
Government site devoted to education, information, and prevention of the avian flu. Read situation summaries and learn about Hong Kong’s preventative measures against avian influenza. Watch a Centre for Health Protection public service advertisement.

A United Kingdom science magazine with a worldwide readership of over half a million. Catch up on the most recent science and technology news. Read special reports on space, health, technology, and cloning. Catch up on breaking news about the deadly bird flu.

The international weekly journal of science has a Web Focus on Avian Flu. Search this link for editorials, news, and scientific reports warning about the potential for a new human flu pandemic.

Read a news article about how biologists are testing migratory fowl for avian flu in Alaska to see if the birds are spreading the virus out of Asia.

Companion web site for the AMERICAN EXPERIENCE film on the influenza epidemic in America in 1918. Search this site for photographs, a timeline, maps, and profiles of people who lived during the epidemic.

Supplemental web site to the program SECRETS OF THE DEAD. Read about the background of the 1918 “Spanish Flu” influenza pandemic, and about new research being conducted by Jeffery Taubenberger, a molecular pathologist at the U.S. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, to isolate the entire genetic sequence of the 1918 virus.

Executive Order Relating to Certain Influenza Viruses and Quarantinable Communicable Diseases
A one page Executive Order of the Public Health Service Act warning that “influenza viruses are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic.”

Recombinomics, Inc.
Dr. Henry Niman’s web site devoted to the evolution of viruses and infectious diseases. Provides explanations on vaccination screening, development, and drug discovery. Includes links to online interviews, articles, and blogs on the growing avian influenza pandemic.

The Flu Wiki
A collaborative web site that tries to help local communities prepare for and cope with a possible influenza pandemic. Search this site to find basic scientific information, influenza plans and surveillance, and legal, ethical, and political issues. Join the forum to ask questions and offer your opinion on the avian flu.

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