July 8th, 2009
Heart of Jenin
Map: Palestinian Refugee Camps

Jenin refers both to a city in the West Bank and to the adjoining Jenin Refugee Camp. In Heart of Jenin, Khatib’s family lives in the camp, along with about 12,000 fellow Palestinian refugees.

The Jenin camp looks like an established city because it has been there since 1953. It is one of 58 Palestinian refugee camps in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria where an estimated 1.3 million Palestinians live.

The camps were created when Palestinians were expelled from their homes in 1948 during the creation of Israel, and again after Israel occupied additional land in 1967.

Click on the green markers in this map to learn more about these camps. Use the + button to zoom in and click on overlapping markers.

View Palestinian Refugee Camps in a larger map

Details and photographs in this map are provided by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which was established after the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict and operates many of the camps.

UNRWA defines a camp as a plot of land provided by the host government for accommodating Palestinian refugees. Population refers to the number of registered refugees living in the camp.

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