June 11th, 2009
Raise the Last Glass

CIA World Factbook: Ireland
Information on Ireland’s geography, people, military, and economy

BBC Country Profile: Ireland
Information about Ireland’s history, leadership, and media, with links to BBC stories on the country

The Economist Country Briefings: Ireland
Articles, data, and forecasts on the Irish economy from The Economist

The Economic and Social Research Institute
Research that informs policymaking on economics and social change in Ireland

Official Website of the Waterford Crystal Visitor Center
The online tour includes information about the crafting and manufacturing of Waterford Crystal

The Future of Waterford Crystal
Article from the local newspaper, Waterford Today, dated June 3, 2009, on the current status of the Waterford Crystal factory

The Irish Economy
Blog about the Irish economy, updated regularly

The Irish Times
Ireland’s national newspaper with extensive coverage of the economy

Waterford Today
One of Waterford’s local weekly newspapers

Waterford News and Star
One of Waterford’s local weekly newspapers

Munster Express
A twice weekly newspaper established in 1859 that covers Waterford and surrounding areas of southeast Ireland

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