August 1st, 2002
Land of Wandering Souls

Center for Trade Policy Studies
This pro-free trade site, run by the conservative think tank Cato Institute, contains FAQs and backgrounders on globalization.

The Fair Labor Association
This non-profit organization, the result of a 1996 White House summit, is a collaborative effort by human rights, labor, religious and consumer groups to monitor labor conditions in the United States and worldwide.

International Monetary Fund
One of the main financial backers of international economic development, the IMF offers detailed country data plus information on its lending operations around the world.

Public Citizen
Public Citizen, an advocacy organization started by Ralph Nader, argues for sustainable energy, environmental protection and fair trade policies.

United Nations Development Programme
Whether building schools in Afghanistan or battling HIV/AIDS in Africa, where there’s an international development project, chances are the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is part of it. On their Web site, read regional reports, learn more about UNDP conferences and events, or find out about working as a UN Volunteer.

World Bank
The World Bank, along with the IMF and WTO, is one of the primary institutions promoting globalization by making loans to client countries.

World Trade Organization
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.

Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production (WRAP) is a non-profit corporation that has set up a certification system for factories around the world to fight back against child labor and other abuses.

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