May 28th, 2009
Making a Difference in the Midst of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Video Segments

Funding for the educational materials was provided by The Overbrook Foundation.

These brief video segments can be used alone or in combination, to introduce a topic or to spark discussion among your students. The video segments can be adapted for any grade level. Stream the video segments from the players below. These videos are also used in the lesson plan Making a Difference in the Midst of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Grades 9-12).

Excerpts from the Wide Angle program, Heart of Jenin:

The Gifts of Life
A look at how a tragic death provided life to 6 Israeli children.

In Search of Peace
A look at the lives of an Orthodox Jewish Israeli man and a Palestinian man and the ongoing struggle for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
An overview of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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