July 19th, 2005
Future for Lebanon
Map: Middle East Governments: Oman

Qaboos Bin Said Al Said has ruled Oman, as sultan and prime minister, since removing his father from power in 1970. At the time, Oman was one of the most isolated countries in the world; Qaboos has focused on diversifying Oman’s economy beyond its oil income. Oman has a close political and military relationship with Great Britain, and has also managed to maintain generally good relations with all Middle Eastern nations. Despite its modernizing ambitions, Oman remains very much a monarchy: Sultan Qaboos’ birthday is the national holiday; the nation has no constitution; the upper legislative body is entirely appointed by the prime minister, and has only advisory powers; and the lower chamber, though able to propose legislation under certain conditions, is mostly limited to an advisory role. But change has begun. The lower house is elected by direct and regularly scheduled elections. In 2004, Oman became the first Gulf monarchy to appoint a female cabinet minister — a mere two years after women became eligible to vote.

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