August 30th, 2005
Pickles, Inc.

A member of the Azka Pickle Cooperative leaves her home in the morning to go to work in the factory

WomenWatch: Information and Resources on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women
A joint United Nations project created in March 1997, WomenWatch is a gateway to information and resources on the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women throughout the U.N. system.

Amnesty International: A Fact Sheet on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Amnesty International’s Women’s Human Rights Network seeks to combat economic, social, and cultural inequality based on gender worldwide. Their website contains background information, a rundown of the Network’s current actions, international news, reports, analysis, and more.

Association for Women’s Rights in Development
The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) is an international membership organization that seeks to connect, inform, and mobilize people and organizations committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development, and women’s human rights.

Arab Women Connect
Sponsored by the United Nations Development Fund For Women (UNIFEM), Arab Women Connect features international news updates, an E-library of U.N. reports on gender and equality issues, a database of women’s organizations, bulletin boards, and discussion forums.

World Economic Forum: Women’s Empowerment: Measuring the Global Gender Gap

The World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Report quantifies the size of the gender gap in 58 countries by measuring indicators such as: economic participation, economic opportunity, political empowerment, educational attainment, and health and well-being.

Carnegie Endowment For International Peace: “Women’s Rights and Democracy in the Arab World” by Marina S. Ottaway

The fourth in a series of papers that frame key issues relating to democracy promotion policies and programs in the Middle East, “Women’s Rights and Democracy” examines the complex issues involved in the U.S. government’s promotion of women’s rights in its campaign to modernize and democratize the Arab world.

Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs: Arab Women Speak Out [PDF]
Combining case histories and scholarly analysis, Johns Hopkins’s 1997 Arab Women Speak Out project presented role models of achievement and self-esteem for women throughout the Near East.

Forbes: Women To Watch In The Middle East

As a part of Forbes’ “100 Most Powerful Women” list, this site presents profiles of noteworthy Middle Eastern women in high-level business and public policy positions. Featured profiles include Dr. Nehad Taher, senior economist at the National Commercial Bank in Saudi Arabia, and Elham Hassan, senior partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Bahrain.

Fact Sheet: Palestinian Arab Women in Israel
The Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA) is an independent grassroots NGO, which focuses on human-rights education, women’s rights, and international advocacy with particular attention paid to human rights issues that concern Arab minority citizens in Israel. This HRA-run site provides statistical primer on the economic, educational, and cultural situation of Arab women in Israel.

BBC News In Depth: Women In Business
This special 2002 section of the BBC News website offers profiles of women in the workplace from across the globe. Articles listed include “Arab women lift the veil on business” among others.

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