September 2nd, 2008
Producing for WIDE ANGLE

Six billion people, 200 nations, the world has never been closer. WIDE ANGLE, over time, aims to extend Americans’ awareness and understanding of the changing world in which we live.

The Series

  • A weekly prime time program of timely, international, single-subject, 45-minute documentaries.
  • Brings international events and issues to life through character-driven narratives.
  • Places each film in its current news context at the top of the hour.
  • Emphasizes the impact on Americans with a substantive interview at the end of each program.
  • Produces a robust website and distributes specially designed educational materials to high schools and colleges.

The Subjects

  • Timely, international stories (not historical).
  • Personal stories that illuminate the big picture.
  • Stories behind the headlines.
  • Stories that are rarely covered but should be.
  • Stories that govern the global economy, affect our social and economic lives, and influence the politics of the United States.

The Process

  • We commission most of our films from independent producers throughout the world.
  • We encourage producers to partner with filmmakers in the countries where their stories originate.
  • We encourage pitches from filmmakers in developing countries.
  • We co-produce some films with broadcast partners.
  • We acquire and re-version one or two films per season.
  • We produce two or three correspondent-driven films per season.

The Pitch

  • Provide a brief description of the subject, the narrative, and your production credits.
  • WIDE ANGLE is primarily interested in character-driven narratives that reveal larger geopolitical issues.
  • The stories should be international with little or no American content.
  • WIDE ANGLE budgets allow about 3-4 weeks of shooting and 6-8 weeks of post-production.
  • WIDE ANGLE re-narrates the film and mostly voices over the foreign dialogue.
  • The primary deliverables are a textless, widescreen 45- or 52-minute master and backup and an OMF.
  • Program budgets range from $200,000 – $300,000 (U.S.) depending on subject and travel.

In its first eight seasons WIDE ANGLE has reported on:

  • Economic upheaval in China
  • Poverty in Cambodia
  • Heroin smuggling in Central Asia
  • Hindu-Muslim violence in India
  • Pakistan: a rock star and Islam
  • Daily life in North Korea
  • Implementing democracy in Afghanistan
  • The impact of India’s Sardar Sarovar Dam
  • Outsourcing boom in India
  • Threat of an avian flu pandemic
  • Cultural conflict in Afghanistan
  • High school education in China
  • Japan’s re-emerging military
  • North Korean defectors
  • Orphans of Burma’s Cyclone Nargis
  • Saddam Hussein’s Iraq
  • Al-Jazeera and the Iraq war
  • Palestinian suicide bombers
  • Publishing a reformist newspaper in Iran
  • The future of Saudi Arabia
  • Lebanon’s Cedar Uprising
  • Israeli Arab women’s pickle factory
  • Turkey’s Islamic capitalists
  • The Iraqi refugee crisis
  • A Palestinian’s life-saving gesture
  • The Druze minority in Israel
  • The Argentine economic crisis
  • Corruption in Mexico
  • Bolivia’s Evo Morales and cocaleros
  • Cocaine and corruption in Colombia
  • Haitian elections amid turmoil
  • Gangs in El Salvador
  • Kidnapping in Brazil
  • AIDS and the Angolan military
  • Black economic empowerment in South Africa
  • Women rebuilding Rwanda
  • Forgotten conflict in Western Sahara
  • Zimbabwe’s refugees in Botswana
  • Female religious leaders in Morocco
  • Elections in the Congo
  • Humanitarian crisis in Darfur
  • Rehabilitating child soldiers in Uganda
  • Mozambique’s maternal health initiative
  • Ethiopia’s first commodities exchange
  • A failed coup in Equatorial Guinea
  • The war in Chechnya
  • Slobodan Milosevic and the media
  • Silvio Berlusconi and the Italian media
  • Journalists’ murders in Russia
  • Muslims in France and the veil controversy
  • Beslan school siege
  • The sinking Scottish fishing fleet
  • Consequences of Ireland’s new prosperity
  • Children and the environment
  • Global access to primary education
  • Human trafficking and smuggling
  • Marketplace solutions to global warming
  • For more information contact:

    Tom Casciato, Executive Producer
    Nina Chaudry, Senior Producer

    825 Eighth Avenue
    New York, NY 10019
    Phone: 212.560.3004
    Fax: 212.560.8279

    Produced by THIRTEEN    ©2024 WNET.ORG Properties LLC. All rights reserved.