July 20th, 2009
The Market Maker


CIA World Factbook: Ethiopia
Information about Ethiopia’s geography, population, government, military and economy.

BBC Country Profile: Ethiopia
An overview of Ethiopia’s history, leadership, and media, with links to BBC stories on the country.

New York Times Topics: Ethiopia
General information about Africa’s oldest independent nation, as well as  breaking news and articles about Ethiopia.

MDG Monitor: Ethiopia
An initiative of the United Nations that tracks Ethiopia’s effort to reach the Millennium Development Goals. The site includes a breakdown of progress by goal for Ethiopia.


Ethiopia Commodity Exchange
The website of Ethiopia’s first commodities exchange. The ECX is a national exchange providing a low-cost, secure marketplace for agricultural commodities in Ethiopia.

Enough: Why the World’s Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty
Wall Street Journal writers Roger Thurow and Scot Kilman explore how bad policies and often well-intentioned strategies have conspired to keep the world’s poorest people hungry and unable to feed themselves.

United Nations World Food Program Country Profile: Ethiopia
The World Food Program website explains the causes of Ethiopia’s hunger and malnutrition issues and describes the WFP’s initiatives in the country to eradicate hunger.

World Bank Country Brief: Ethiopia
This site summarizes Ethiopia’s economic and political background, development progress, and the organization’s assistance programs. It includes Ethiopia at a Glance (PDF), the policy research working paper Inflation Dynamics and Food Prices in an Agricultural Economy: The Case of Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Agricultural Portal: Priority Crop Commodities
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s site includes information on crops and agricultural techniques in Ethiopia, and information on the cropping system, policy, production, marketing, and business services.

Speech by the International Monetary Fund’s Deputy Managing Director: What the Global Financial Crisis Means for Sub-Saharan Africa
A speech given by the IMF’s Takatoshi Kato at the 12th African Union Summit hosted in February 2009 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The speech outlines the IMF’s perspective on four key issues: the financial crisis and global growth, how the financial crisis affects Africa, policy challenges for Africa, and the IMF’s role in Africa during the crisis.

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