September 2nd, 2004
Time for School Series

UNESCO: Education for All
Review background documents, the goals set out in the Dakar Framework for Action, and the latest monitoring reports at this one-stop site for all things related to Education for All.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
An unbeatable source of information and statistics on education, literacy, culture, science, and technology.

The World Bank Group
Unsure of exactly what the World Bank is and what it does? Well, this site provides you with all the details as well as access to data on a wide array of topics, from agriculture to urban development.

United Nations
The English-language version of the United Nations Web site. A vast resource for those interested in learning more about the organization, where you can watch live and archived Webcasts of important UN meetings and speeches.

Global Campaign for Education
Learn more about the aims of this campaign, founded in 1999 by a group of non-governmental organizations and teachers’ unions, that promotes education as a basic human right.

Basic Education Coalition
A coalition of 18 developmental organizations that lobby for greater funding for early childhood and primary education.

Millennium Development Goals
Get the facts about another global initiative launched by the United Nations that strives to eradicate poverty, improve basic education, empower women, combat disease, and more.

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
The Nobel Peace Prize-winning international organization that has been working on behalf of children since 1946. UNICEF’s official Web site offers comprehensive information about its mission and history.

Through the international homepage of CARE, the humanitarian organization fighting global poverty, users can choose to explore any one of its 12 worldwide member organization sites.

Partnership on Sustainable Strategies for Girls’ Education
Search for education profiles and gender disparity figures in education for countries throughout the world, get training materials on addressing girls’ education, and check out the photo library at this site.

United Nations Cyberschoolbus
A valuable site for teachers and students that features information on the United Nations and its numerous initiatives on issues such as education, the environment, and human rights.

Get the latest education news from countries around the globe and search for stories by topic or country/region at this very useful site.

Building Tomorrow
Building Tomorrow works with students in the U.S. to raise awareness and funds for the education of under-served children in sub-Saharan Africa.

Global Citizen Corps
Learn more about how the international humanitarian organization Mercy Corps is training the next generation of anti-poverty activists to press government leaders to support universal access to education.


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