April 26th, 2005
White Smoke

Official Vatican Web Site
Search the official Vatican Web site for access to everything from Vatican archives to daily news updates from Rome.

C.I.A. — The World Fact Book — Holy See (Vatican City)
The C.I.A. World Fact Book offers information regarding the Vatican’s population, history, and geographic location.

The Vatican Museum Web Site
This site contains a detailed breakdown of all the Vatican museums, and also offers a brief history of the relationship between the papacy and the arts.

Vatican Radio
What is Vatican Radio? Find out here! This site reveals everything from the history of Vatican Radio, to the specifics on different programs, to where to listen.

Vatican Observatory
Did you know the Vatican has an official observatory? Find out about the observatory’s two locations and read up on the history of one of the oldest astronomical research centers in the world.

The Papal Transition: An Overview
Read NPR’s April 2, 2005 interview with Father Thomas Reese, editor in chief of America, the Catholic weekly magazine, and get a sense of the rules governing the selection of a new pope.

Search AMERICA magazine archives, get reports on recent religious news, and read magazine features online.

Roman Catholicism
CARM is a nonprofit Christian apologetics organization that provides information about religious beliefs. Their site on Roman Catholicism explores the answers to complex questions like “Are Roman Catholics saved?” and “Is the Bible alone sufficient?”

The home site for THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR is an excellent source for news of all kinds, but is particularly strong regarding religious news.

New Advent
This site brings together a wide variety of resources for those interested in Catholicism. With links to everything from the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas, to how to recite the holy rosary, as well as an archive of the top 25 Catholic Web sites in the world, almost anything Catholic is addressed here.

Catholic Exchange
This site is geared toward practicing Catholics and features, among other elements, breaking religious news, daily readings, and the Catholic Mall, where you can purchase religious books, educational materials, and gifts.

Catholic World News
This site provides world news written from a Catholic perspective by Catholic journalists. In addition to covering general news pieces, the site aims to provide visitors with stories that appeal to practicing Catholics.

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