May 26th, 2009
World Links: Burmese Pro-Democracy Leader Testifies, U.N. to Investigate Both Sides in Sri Lanka Conflict

The trial of Burmese pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, will extend for a third day after she testified Tuesday in a prison courtroom that she did not violate terms of her confinement when an American visited her home. The British ambassador to Rangoon observed the trail and said Suu Kyi was “composed and upfront.”

Pakistan’s Supreme Court will allow former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to contest parliamentary elections. The reversal of a previous decision means the opposition leader could run for prime minister again.

Protesters wearing images of Tamil Tiger chief Vellupillai Prabhakaran call Sri Lankan leaders war criminals, as the United Nations announces it will investigate both sides for human rights abuses. Sri Lankan military leaders report 9,100 Tamil Tiger rebels surrendered themselves to the government.

Cyclone ‘Aila’ sent a 12-13 foot surge of water up the southwestern coastline of Bangladesh on Monday and leaves at least 100 dead. Officials expect the toll to rise.

North Korea follows international condemnation of its announcement of an underground nuclear warhead test on Monday by firing two short-range missiles off its eastern coast later in the day.

Thousands of South Koreans mourn the death of former president, Roh Moo-hyun, 62, who committed suicide on Saturday. The leader known as “Mr. Clean” left a note saying he was despondent over a bribery investigation.

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