September 29th, 2009
World Links: Scores of Protesters Killed in Guinea, Afghan Civilians Die in Bus Explosion

More than 100 people are killed when security forces open fire on a crowd of pro-democracy demonstrators in the Guinean capital, Conakry. As many as 50,000 opponents of the military junta had gathered to protest amid speculation that the junta’s leader, Capt. Moussa Dadis Camara, would run in presidential elections next January. There are also reports of soldiers raping women in the streets of the capital.

Thirty Afghan civilians are killed when their bus, traveling on the dangerous main road from Herat to Kandahar, hits a roadside bomb.

An E.U. report is expected to conclude that Georgia started last year’s war with Russia by attacking separatists in South Ossetia, but that Russia had set the stage by encouraging separatists in both South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Georgian territories recognized as sovereign nations by only Russia, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

After killing at least 240 people in the Philippines, Typhoon Ketsana moves on to Vietnam, where at least 32 people have died and 170,000 people have been urged to evacuate their homes.

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