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Share Your Photos of Animal Homes

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Hey amateur nature photographers! Do you have a fun or interesting photo of an animal home? It could be anything from a bird's nest you snapped in your own backyard to a fort that you built for your favorite pet. Submit your photos here! A select few will be shared with NATURE's 250,000+ Facebook fans.

June Ferguson

Scandia, MN, United States

On vacation on Cozumel, we kept seeing this little anole lizard in this drain pipe. It just had to be home sweet home. By the way, the drain ...

Melanie Bowles

Lincolnton, GA, United States

These two pigs were rescued as tiny little infants from a ditch near our ranch. Their mama had been shot... she had 13 babies and these two were the only ...

Carlos Porrata

Inverness, CA, United States

Nesting season has started and this pair of Osprey is back to the nest they use and build upon annually. Hopefully I will be able to follow their nesting season ...

Kathryn Size


This was saved from a downed tree and fashioned into a bird house in hopes that it would be used. As you can see this beautiful tree swallow loves it.

Julie Appelhans

Wheaton, IL, United States

Our pet rats, Shelby & Guy, love to snuggle together in their hammocks and tunnels.

Jeanie Lundell

Although it appears the squirrel is touching a branch below, the branch is actually behind him. He is simply hanging there! Wondering if he was in distress, I ...

Anne Foley


We havent used out grill in years, and then we saw finches sneaking in there this spring: they'd been making this

Toni Stutler


My neighbors house...

Meg Hourigan

New Britain, CT, United States

We adopted Kindred from the Connecticut Humane Society. As soon as we got home, the cat jumped up onto a (thankfully bare) shelf of the hutch. It has been Kindred's ...

Wendy Alden

North Vancouver, BC, Canada

This Elephant Seal beached to moult for 28 days on the West Vancouver beach at Ambleside Beach. It was protected from humans & dogs with an orange fence and over ...

Kathryn Christiansen

Howard City, MI, United States

At the family cottage in Michigan, these Pileated Woodpeckers were looking for a new home, exploring the birdhouses we had put up, probably looking for bugs to eat. ...

Richard Jehn

Bellingham, WA, United States

This photo was taken near Shelton, Washington and shows a male and a female green frog shortly after she had laid her eggs. The eggs can be seen between ...

Alexandra Czapleski

Nashville, TN, United States

My mothers pet squirrel, Henrietta. Mom rescued her when she was just a baby. She now lives outside but will come in the house a few times a day to say ...

Kirsten McDaniel

Murfreesboro, TN, United States

In May 2013, we had a Robin's nest on our house above the gutter downspout. We watched the family of robins from nest-building to baby birds to little babies leaving ...

Mary Jo Graham

West Falls, NY, United States

A Song Sparrow nest built among the Lambs Ears on my lawn. At left is the nest with eggs and on the right, the tiny hatchlings a week later.



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