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Baby Cephalopods’ First Moments


Watch as baby octopuses and squid hatch from their eggs and immediately begin hunting and camouflaging themselves.


- [David] This is one of the few places you can see octopuses hatch from the egg.

(gentle music) From this moment, octopuses are on their own.

(gentle music) The first instinct of this hatchling is to construct a den out of whatever it can find.

(gentle music) Baby bobtailed squid hide by sticking grains of sand to their bodies with a mucus extruded from their skin.

(gentle music) These are all hard-wired little predators.

They don't hesitate to take down prey, even when it's two or three times their size.

(gentle music) Their color-changing cells start flashing while they're still in the egg.

Three types of cells with neural control make color change almost instantaneous.

These young pajama squid use this to produce their signature striped pattern.

But there is one cephalopod that is the master.

(soft dramatic music) Just a few centimeters long, these baby flamboyant cuttles can beguile anyone with a shape shift that is out of this world.

(gentle music) (upbeat music)


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