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BioCollect | Nature Nation


Each week, we feature a worthy citizen science project or nature news segment from around the nation. This week’s is a little different in response to the urgent fire crisis in Australia: BioCollect from Atlas of Living Australia (ALA).


BioCollect allows users to collect and manage data from their citizen science projects. By establishing and maintaining citizen science projects, in addition to monitoring and assessing data, BioCollect facilitates the connection between citizen science projects and its effect on research, policy, and larger environmental efforts in Australia.

From their website,

BioCollect provides form-based structured data collection for:

1) Assessment and monitoring activities such as:

  • ad-hoc surveys; and
  • method-based systematic structured surveys

2) Activity-based projects such as:

  • revegetation
  • rehabilitation; or
  • weed and pest management projects

How Can Americans Help?

This work is more important than ever in the coming weeks and months as Australia seeks to recover from its devastating wildfires. Check ALA’s website for more information on the projects and for ways to help support projects based in Australia for those living in other countries.

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