Summer is just around the corner, and new studies and research just may impact your plans. Here’s our latest round-up of science and nature articles worth a read.

Photo by Lisette Verwoerd
First some good news: research shows that students who spend time outside are less stressed and have longer attention spans than those who stay inside more. All the more reason to get outside and experience nature this summer!
And speaking of summer plans, anyone up for Squirrel Camp? Heads up, it’s not for the faint of heart.
But you don’t have to go away to a remote camp to experience nature. Our friends over at Next Avenue have put together an awesome list of the best national parks for spotting wildlife.
In some upsetting news, a landmark report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services warns that the rate of species extinction is accelerating, and it’s likely that this will have grave impacts on people around the world.
On the upside, artificial intelligence might have the capability to stop bees from disappearing due to colony collapse.
And finally, what would you say to the theory that the world secretly runs on hippo poop?