There is always something new to learn and discover in the natural world. As usual, we’ve been keeping an eye on the latest headlines and have compiled just a handful of NATURE Reads to check out…

This goat would like you better if you’re smiling, or so a new study suggests.
Domestic cat behaviors are sometimes a bit confusing and easy to misinterpret. But feline behaviorists offered explanations for a recent viral tweet that captured a cat’s tendency to bring stuffed toys to its food bowl.
Speaking of animal behaviors, a growing body of evidence suggests that animals may experience grief, and even maintain rituals similar to mourning.
It’s hard to imagine, but a recent New York Times article shed light on an investigation into the legal sale of giraffe parts in the US, even though giraffe populations are dwindling in the wild.
And worse, earlier this week a team of conservationists came upon the carcasses of 87 elephants in Botswana in what may be the single largest poaching event in recent African history, according to the BBC.
A website that allows you to click on live bird cams from all over the world? Yes, please!
And finally, here’s a reason to keep smiling: A new study suggests that goats can read human expressions and they prefer happy people.