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Nature Reads Round Up


Need a quick recap of what’s happening in the news as it pertains to nature? Here’s our latest round-up of reads to keep you up to date…

Lowland Streaked Tenrec

Lowland streaked tenrec (Hemicentetes semispinosus), Mantadia, Madagascar | Photo: Frank Vassen [CC BY 2.0]

Everywhere chimpanzees roam, scientists have uncovered more fascinating behaviors they increasingly describe as chimpanzee “culture” — learned traditions that vary by location. But a recently published study suggests that humans may be destroying and limiting the transmission of these chimpanzee traditions.

Sonar readings from New York’s Hudson River hint at a revival for the embattled Atlantic sturgeon. Could this river giant be making a comeback?

Would you rather have brains or a built-in defense system? These little mammals of Madagascar appear to have undergone an interesting evolutionary tradeoff.

Finally, here is some good news for bighorn sheep – Translocation efforts in Arizona have had positive genetic outcomes, with no signs of reduction in genetic diversity over a short period or erosion of ancestral lineage.

To learn more about the plight of bighorns, take 15 minutes and watch our short film, Running With The Herd.

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