It’s no wonder butterflies have fascinated human beings for as long as we have coexisted. These colorful creatures appear delicate—fragile, even—but perform dazzling feats of acrobatics and endurance, by design. ...
READ MORE ›Problem-Solving Abilities Help Explain the Grey Squirrel’s Success
It’s entirely possible, even likely, that you underestimate the eastern grey squirrel. Despite having small rodent brains, they are capable of remembering, with a high degree of precision, where they stashed thousands ...
READ MORE ›Nearly 150,000 Bornean Orangutans Have Disappeared Since 1999, Halving Population
Over a span of 16 years, nearly 150,000 orangutans have disappeared from the island of Borneo. That’s about half of the total population on this western Pacific island, and worrisome news for a species that is already ...
READ MORE ›For Pacific Mole Crabs, It’s Dig or Die
Among the surfers and beach-casting anglers, there’s a new visitor to San Francisco’s Ocean Beach shoreline. Benjamin McInroe is there for only one reason — to find Pacific mole crabs, creatures commonly known ...
READ MORE ›The Corpse Flower Looks Like Raw Meat and Smells Like a Dead Rat
For a plant that emits an overpowering stench of rotting carcass, you’d think the corpse flower would have a PR problem. But it’s quite the opposite: Anytime a corpse flower opens up at a botanical garden somewhere ...
READ MORE ›Standoff Over Mexican Gray Wolf Continues in Southwestern U.S.
The Mexican gray wolf is lucky to be alive; it came as close to extinction as possible without vanishing, in the 1970s. But doubts remain about its survival. In November, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released a ...
READ MORE ›Rare for Millennia, Sumatran Rhinos On Brink of Extinction
The Sumatran rhino is one of the most endangered large animals in the world; by some estimates there are only 30 of these magnificent creatures left. New research shows they have survived at low population levels for ...
READ MORE ›Mariana Snailfish Tops the List of Weirdest Deep Sea Creatures
The deep sea has always held a certain haunting appeal—no light, crushing pressures, and frigid temperatures. Almost completely unknown until the late 18th century, people assumed nothing could survive down there. ...