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 A Symbol of Nature
A Symbol of Nature

In this video segment from Nature: “The Mystery of Eels,” Maori bush guide Daniel Joe and scientist Dr. Don Jellyman explore the eel’s central role in the culture and history of New Zealand’s native Maori people, and discuss the vilification it has suffered from the misguided policies of New Zealand’s government.

 How Eels Come of Age
How Eels Come of Age

This video segment from Nature: “The Mystery of Eels” explores the unique and mysterious early life cycle of eels, which are born at sea before migrating up freshwater rivers with the probable guidance of a magnetically sensitive iron crystal in their heads.

 The Endangered Eel
The Endangered Eel

This video segment from Nature: “The Mystery of Eels” describes the threat to New Zealand’s eels, posed by hydroelectric dams on their migratory routes, and profiles a former commercial eel fisherman who’s now devoted to saving his former quarry from certain death in dam turbine blades.

  Mates for Life
Mates for Life

This video segment from Nature: Animal Odd Couples introduces a male brant goose that has selected his lifelong mate: a female tortoise.

  Friendship in the Animal Kingdom
Friendship in the Animal Kingdom

Until recently, scientists were not comfortable describing bonds between animals as “friendships.” However, scientists have now determined that humans are not the only animals who form them.

 Unlikely Friends
Unlikely Friends

This video segment from Nature: Animal Odd Couples showcases the relationship between Kasi, a cheetah, and Mtani, a dog. Kasi and Mtani live at Busch Gardens – both were “orphaned” when they were young and the keepers at Busch Gardens developed a pilot project to observe the relationship between them.

 How Plants Find Food
How Plants Find Food

In this video segment from Nature: “What Plants Talk About,” ecologist James Cahill describes how root growth in plants follows patterns similar to those of animal foraging, how plants identify and select their food sources in the first place, and what that selection suggests about their level of behavior.

 Do Plants Behave Like Animals?
Do Plants Behave Like Animals?

In this video segment from Nature: “What Plants Talk About,” ecologist James Cahill explains how modern time-lapse photography and other technological innovations are enabling a richer understanding of the sophisticated and varied ways plants interact and engage with their environment—largely though growth in their never-ending search for food.



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