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Dipper Chicks Escape Raging River


Dipper chicks are ready to fledge, but an unseasonal downpour transforms the benign river into a raging torrent. Their parents need to coax the chicks out of the nest as quickly as possible to get them to safety.


(rain gurgling) - [Narrator] The brood of chicks is ready to fledge, but an unseasonal downpour is transforming the benign river into a raging torrent.

(water gurgling) (soft orchestral music) (chicks squawking) The parents need to coax the chicks out of the nest as quickly as possible.

(water continues gurgling) (orchestral music) (water gushing loudly) Delaying their fledging, even by a few minutes, could see the youngsters swept away by the torrent.

(chicks continue squawking) The chicks need to leave the nest now, but they've never flown before and have to navigate the slippery rocks, while avoiding the raging river.

(water continues gurgling) (chicks squawking) The parents offer tasty morsels to draw them out of the nest.

(birds squawking loudly) (water torrent splashing) (wind whipping loudly) The winds whip through Wildheart's forest.

Lives are at risk across the Highlands.

(orchestral music continues) (water gushing loudly) The river still rises.

(chicks squawking) (water continues gurgling) (orchestral music continues) But the dipper chicks are all out and safe.

(water gurgling continues) (dipper chicks squawking)


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