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How Forest Elephants Warn Predators


Hundreds of forest elephants gather at the beach to feed. They are shy animals, and their displays of strength can be playful or a sign of distress.


- [Narrator] In the late afternoon, the beach fills up with hundreds of elephants that come from the savannas and forests to eat.

The white secretion around the eyes is a sign of a contagious disease that is common in Loango.

Many elephants come here to eat the sand, which provides valuable minerals.

(elephants sighing) Displays of strength can be playful, or a sign of distress.

Forest elephants are shy animals.

Even a careful cinematographer can sometimes be too close for comfort.

The next defensive stage is a feinted attack.

(elephant bellowing) The threatening behavior is usually enough to see off a potential threat.

If not, the elephant may really attack.

(elephant grunting) This time, fortunately, the elephant decides to retreat.


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