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S34 Ep10
Moose: Life of a Twig Eater
In North America, moose populations are declining. One reason is that many of the newborn calves are not surviving their first year. In order to find out why, an intrepid cameraman spends a year documenting the life of a moose calf and its mother to understand what it takes to survive.
Premiered: 2/10/2016
S34 Ep6
Pets: Wild at Heart | Episode 2 | Secretive Creatures
Our pets may seem familiar but they exist alongside us in a secret world of wild behavior and natural abilities that we hardly recognize. This two-part series explores this parallel existence with all the techniques that have been perfected in past “spy” shows, including HD spy cameras, night vision cameras, drones, miniature on-board cameras and digital high-speed cameras.
Premiered: 10/28/2015
S34 Ep5
Pets: Wild at Heart | Episode 1| Playful Creatures
Our pets may seem familiar but they exist alongside us in a secret world of wild behavior and natural abilities that we hardly recognize. This two-part series explores this parallel existence with all the techniques that have been perfected in past “spy” shows, including HD spy cameras, night vision cameras, drones, miniature on-board cameras and digital high-speed cameras.
Premiered: 10/21/2015
S34 Ep3
Big Birds Can't Fly
It may seem strange that among the more than 10,000 bird species in the world today is a group that literally cannot fly or sing, and whose wings are more fluff than feather. These are the ratites: the ostrich, emu, rhea, kiwi and cassowary. How and why these birds abandoned flight has puzzled scientists since Darwin’s time, but DNA and dedicated research are helping to solve these mysteries.
Premiered: 10/7/2015
S34 Ep1
Nature's Miracle Orphans | Episode 1 | Second Chances
Growing up in the wild is hard enough on young animals when they have parents to rely on for protection and guidance, but what happens when they lose their parents? How do they survive? Over the past few years, great strides have been made in understanding how to rescue and rehabilitate orphaned wildlife.
Premiered: 9/22/2015
S33 Ep16
The Sagebrush Sea
One of the most overlooked ecosystems on the continent consists of a massive sea of sagebrush that stretches across 11 states in the American West. This spartan yet spectacular landscape supports more than 170 species of hardscrabble birds and mammals. And among those that have adapted to survive here are birds found no place else – Greater Sage-Grouse.
Premiered: 5/19/2015
S33 Ep15
Animal Childhood
In every animal’s life, there comes a time when it must stand on its own two feet, so to speak, and face the world alone. For a few, this happens just moments after birth, with no life lessons from parents to help them, no time to hone their survival skills. Others have the advantage of home schooling under the watchful eye of a mentor or family member.
Premiered: 5/12/2015
S33 Ep13
Animal Homes: Cities
Animal Homes - Puffin
Some animal species congregate in huge groups. Icelandic puffins form colonies of more than a million, which provides shared information about food sources and reduces the odds of being attacked. Social spiders in Ecuador gather by the thousands to capture large prey. Leaf cutter ants in Costa Rica build enormous acre-wide cities to house multimillion-citizen colonies.
Premiered: 4/21/2015
S33 Ep12
Animal Homes: Location, Location, Location
Finding a good base of operations is key to successfully raising a family. One must find the correct stream or tree, the correct building materials, neighbors and sometimes tenants. In the wild, every home is a unique DIY project, every head of household is a designer and engineer. Animated blueprints and tiny cameras chart the building plans and progress of many different animal species.
Premiered: 4/14/2015
S33 Ep11
Animal Homes: The Nest
Bird nests come in all shapes and sizes, crafted from an inexhaustible diversity of materials, including fur, grasses, leaves, mosses, sticks and twigs, bones, wool, mud and spider silk. Quite a few also contain man-made materials – colorful twine, bits of wire, even plastic bags. Each one is a remarkable work of art, built with just a beak!
Premiered: 4/7/2015


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