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Follow Thousands of Reindeer on an Epic Journey


Witness the mass migration of hundreds of thousands of reindeer in Lapland. As the snow begins to thaw with the change of seasons, the reindeer need to reach their feeding grounds by the coast, before the snow gets too soft to run on.


- [Narrator] For the reindeer and Sami herders, excitement is in the air.

This snow will soon be gone, and they have their own spring ritual to perform.

An epic journey is just beginning.

The reindeer need to reach their feeding grounds by the coast before the snow gets too soft to run on.

(reindeer grunting) As they move north, the spring melt follows right behind them.

(reindeer grunting) Santa's home is changing.

The melting snow can be heavy going, but there's no time to waste.

They keep on moving.

Winter will soon be a distant memory.

Their journey takes some two weeks.

And as it nears its end, the melt finally catches up with them.

The sun's warmth transforms this winter wonderland completely.

The landscape becomes unrecognizable as spring takes hold at last.


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