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Caring for the World’s Most Famous Rhino


Sudan is one of just three Northern White Rhinos left in the world and the only male of his species. To keep him comfortable and safe, Sudan has his own private living quarters – and dedicated keeper to look after him. Get a glimpse into the daily routine of this rhino celebrity.


(mellow music) [Narrator] To keep him comfortable and safe, Sudan has his own private living quarters.

A wooden enclosure known as a Bohma, where he sleeps.

One of Zack's daily jobs is to make Sudan's bed by raking away any large stones.

[Narrator] Twice a day Zack feeds Sudan a specially formulated diet which includes vitamin supplements.

And, he records every detail of his activities in a daily journal.

- So right now Sudan has a wonderful life.

- He gets looked after and pampered - by his keepers on a daily basis - he lives the life of a retired old 'grandy'. - Um, and enjoying it in the process.

[Narrator] Sudan also receives regular check-ups from the Conservancy's on-site vet, Stephen Ngulu.

- His health is good despite his age.


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