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Lemurs’ Jungle Pharmacy


Like many primates, lemurs are prone to ticks and other parasites. In addition to grooming each other, this group has developed a more ingenious means of keeping pests at bay: self-medication.


- [Narrator] Like many primates, lemurs are prone to ticks and other parasites.

But as well as grooming each other, this group has developed a more ingenious means of keeping pests at bay.


When these carpenter ants feel under attack, they spray formic acid, which the lemurs put to good use.

This behavior has only just been discovered.

But it seems that rubbing this acid mixed with a bit of spit onto their fur acts as an effective tick repellent.

They've learned to access their own jungle pharmacy.

The only possible side effect seems to be yet more drowsiness.

Luckily, this time the youngsters are also ready for rest.

Or maybe not.


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