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Web Sites

National Geographic Channel: India
Detailed account of a filmmaker’s visit to Bandhavgarh, which included an encounter with the tiger Charger. The site also features a useful factsheet about the park.

GORP: India’s National Parks
Information on Bandhavgarh, the locale for LIVING EDENS: TEMPLE OF THE TIGERS.

Bandhavgarh National Park
More facts about the park, and its native wildlife.

BBC News: India’s Tiger Success Story
Article about the doubling of the tiger population at the Panna Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh.

Tiger Trust: Saving India’s Tigers
Organization working to protect the natural habitat of India’s tigers.

In the Jungle with Sita
A filmmaker’s encounter with Sita, a famous tiger of Bandhavgarh, is recounted on this GORP page adapted from the National Geographic Society’s “The Year of the Tiger.”

Welcome to Madhya Pradesh
Travel site featuring information on India’s largest state, often referred to as “the heart of India.”


Breeden, Stanley and Belinda Wright. THROUGH THE TIGER’S EYES: A CHRONICLE OF INDIA’S WILDLIFE. Ten Speed Press, 1997.

Michell, George. THE HINDU TEMPLE: AN INTRODUCTION TO ITS MEANING AND FORMS. University of Chicago Press, 1998.

Nichols, Michael and Geoffrey C. Ward. THE YEAR OF THE TIGER. National Geographic Society, 1998.

Seidensticker, John, Sarah Christie, and Peter Jackson. RIDING THE TIGER: TIGER CONSERVATION IN HUMAN LANDSCAPES. Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Singh, Billy Arjan. WATCHING INDIA’S WILDLIFE: THE ANTHOLOGY OF A LIFETIME. Oxford University Press, 2002.

Thapar, Valmik. LAND OF THE TIGER: A NATURAL HISTORY OF THE INDIAN SUBCONTINENT. University of California Press, 1998.



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