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Additional Resources

Voices in the Sea
High-quality images and sound and video recordings of several marine animals from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography UC San Diego Whale Acoustics Lab.

Text of the Marine Mammal Protection Act
Enacted in 1972, this act of the US Congress prohibits, with a few exceptions, the take (“harass, hunt, capture, kill or collect” or to attempt to do so) of marine mammals, and created the Marine Mammal Commission.

Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society
A global charity engaged in a multitude of activities aimed at educating people and protecting whales and dolphins; the site includes links to news, blogs, and games.

Hawaii Whale Research Foundation, Dan R. Salden
A small nonprofit group of dedicated volunteers conducting field research on marine mammals with emphasis on humpback whale social affiliation.

Center for Whale Research, Kenneth C. Balcomb
An organization that conducts annual photo-identification studies of the Southern Resident Killer whale (SRKW) population that frequent the inland waters of Washington State and lower British Columbia.

The Wild Dolphin Project, Denise Herzing
A non-profit scientific research organization that studies and reports on a specific pod of free ranging Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis).

Bowhead Whale Acoustic Project, Outi Tervo
A group of scientists, including Outi Tervo, conducting research on baleen whales in Disko Bay, concentrating on the ecology and behaviour of bowhead whales.

New York Times: Green Blog | Eureka! A Roaming Bowhead Whale
A New York Times blog post on Outi Tervo and her work with bowhead whales.

NPR | A Researcher Asks: Are Dolphins Self-Aware?
Psychologist Diana Reiss discusses communication and cognition in dolphins.

Projecto Boto, Vera M. F. Da Silva
A long-term study of river dolphins in Brazil’s newly-formed Mamirauá Reserve conducted by Dr. Vera da Silva and Dr. Tony Martin.

New York Times | How Far Will Dolphins Go to Relate to Humans?
An article on Dr. Denise L. Herzing’s work with dolphins and dolphin communication off the coast of Florida. Dr. Herzing was featured in the PBS Nature Ocean Giants series.

Doug Allan’s Official Website
The official website for underwater cinematographer Doug Allan.

Didier Noirot’s Official Website
The official website for underwater cinematographer Didier Noirot.



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