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Polar Bears Hunt Beluga Whales


As thousands of belugas arrive, these two polar bears are eager to hunt. However, they have two very different strategies for hunting their prey.


- [Narrator] These two males are eager to hunt, (beluga wails) but they have very different approaches.

(bird chirps) One bear bides his time on a carefully chosen rock, while the other goes after the belugas.

(water splashing) In the open water, the belugas are impossible to catch.

His tactic clearly isn't working.

(water splashing) There's a trick to this, and it's all down to the tides.

As the waters rise, the belugas come farther in shore.

Better for the polar bears, (water splashes) as long as the swimmer doesn't give the game away.

The patient bear's rock is now submerged, but he still has a chance.

(water splashes) Experience has taught this old timer how to be an efficient hunter.

(gentle music) The other bear still has a lot to learn.


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