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Weather and Wave Web Sites

United States Geological Survey
The USGS provides scientific information to help describe and understand the Earth, minimize loss of life and property from natural disasters, and manage water, biological, energy, and mineral resources.

NOAA (National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration)
The goal of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is to predict changes in the Earth’s environment, and to conserve and wisely manage the nation’s coastal and marine resources.

Savage Seas
PBS Web companion to a series detailing the immense power and inner workings of the Earth’s oceans.

Weather Patterns
This section of the Crystalinks Web site provides straightforward definitions of meteorology, jet streams, tidal waves, and other weather conditions.

Weather by the Moon
Read about how the weather is controlled by the moon, and how long-range weather predictions are made using mathematics.

Oceans Alive!
A comprehensive site about the Earth’s oceans. The “Oceans in Motion” section includes information on how waves are created by wind and explores the role of the moon in creating ocean tides.

Tsunami Research Program
Comprehensive Web site from the Pacific Marine Environment Laboratory dedicated to researching tsunamis. The site features information on tsunami warning systems, forecasting, modeling, and tsunami mapping efforts.

An interactive online resource providing general information about tsunami generation. Also included are topics on some of the greatest tsunamis, various warning systems, and how those who live in coastal regions can protect themselves from this natural disaster.

Pacific Tsunami Museum
Incorporated in 1994, Hawaii’s Pacific Tsunami Museum’s Web site provides readers with current scientific information and testimonials from survivors of tsunami disasters. There are also photographs, informational programs, and a section on frequently asked questions about tsunamis.

Weather and Wave Books

Bryant, Edward A. TSUNAMI: THE UNDERRATED HAZARD. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Berger, Melvin and Gilda Berger. WHAT MAKES AN OCEAN WAVE?: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT OCEANS AND OCEAN LIFE. New York: Scholastic, 2001.

Daschew, Dave and Linda Daschew. SURVIVING THE STORM: COASTAL AND OFFSHORE TACTICS. Oakview: Beowulf, Inc., 1999.

Glantz, Michael H. CURRENTS OF CHANGE: EL NINO’S IMPACT ON CLIMATE AND SOCIETY. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Godschalk, David R., Timothy Beatley, and David Brower. CATASTROPHIC COASTAL STORMS: HAZARD MITGATION AND DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT. Durham: Duke University Press, 1988.

Reiter, Elmar E. JET STREAMS: HOW DO THEY AFFECT OUR WEATHER?. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 1967.

Streiber, Whitley and Art Bell. THE COMING GLOBAL SUPERSTORM. New York: Pocket Books, 2000.

Turner, Thomas P. WEATHER PATTERNS AND PHENOMENA. Columbus: McGraw, Hill Professional, 1999.

Upgren, Arthur and Jurgen Stock. WEATHER: HOW IT WORKS AND WHY IT MATTERS. Boulder: Perseus Books Group, 2000.

Williams, Jack. THE WEATHER BOOK. New York: Random House, Inc., 1997.

Surfing Web Sites
From Waimea Bay, home of the largest and most spectacular surf in the world, this site by surfers offers a glimpse into the world of adventure that awaits those who venture to this popular surfing mecca.

Ken Bradshaw
Official Web site of Ken Bradshaw, the man who rode the biggest wave in history, estimated to be in excess of 85 feet.
Located in Half Moon Bay, California, this Web site spotlights the sport of big-wave surfing, and features great photos of surfers in action. It also provides history and information about the fourth annual Quiksilver/Mavericks big-wave surf contest.

Big Wave Surfing Hitches a Ride
Article detailing the controversial practice of “tow-in surfing,” from OUTSIDE MAGAZINE.

Extreme: Surfing
Site features information about and clips from the IMAX movie filmed in Ohahu during the Condition Black of January 28, 1998.
An all-inclusive Web site featuring forecasts, spectacular still photos, video clips, and a news section on the world of surfing.

For the die-hard surfer and novices alike, the Stormsurf Web site specializes in information on big-wave surf forecasts and links to global marine weather sources.

Women Surfers
Article on the oft-overlooked presence and accomplishments of women in the sport of surfing, from Coast News.

Surfing Books

Cariou, Patrick and Matt Warshaw. SURFERS CITY: PowerHouse Cultural Entertainment, Inc., 1997.


George, Sam (editor). THE PERFECT DAY: 40 YEARS OF SURFER MAGAZINE. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, LLC, 2001.

Long, John and Hai Van Sponholz (editors). THE BIG DROP!: CLASSIC BIG WAVE SURFING STORIES. Guilford: Falcon Publishing, Inc., 1999.

Thornlely, Mark and Charles Tuttle, Inc. SURFING AUSTRALIA: A GUIDE TO THE WORLD’S TOP SURFING DESTINATION. Boston: Charles E. Tuttle, Inc., 1999.

Warshaw, Matt. MAVERICKS: THE STORY OF BIG-WAVE SURFING. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, LLC, 2000.

Werner, Doug. LONGBOARDER’S START-UP: A GUIDE TO LONGBOARD SURFING. Chula Vista: Tracks Publishing, 1996.

Werner, Doug. SURFER’S START UP: A BEGINNERS GUIDE TO SURFING. Chula Vista: Tracks Publishing, 1999.



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