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Additional Web and Print Resources

Online Resources

We recommend these Web sites for those interested in the subjects shown on the program. All links are valid as of August 2, 2001.

Orangutan Foundation International
This group studies orangutans in the wild and works with local governments on conservation measures.

Sumatran Orangutan Society
The SOS is an organization dedicated to protecting the Sumatran Orangutan and its native habitat.

Balikpapan Orangutan Society
BOS-USA is a non-profit organization formed to support orangutan conservation and to raise awareness in the United States of the plight of the orangutan.

Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary
Learn more about the Sepilok Rehabilitation Centre in North Borneo which rehabilitates orphan orangutans.

The National Zoo — Think Tank Home Page
A companion Web site to the Think Tank research project featured on NATURE.

The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation
Sponsor of the Wanariset Orangutan Reintroduction Center, the wildlife program featured on Orangutans: Just Hangin’ On.

The World-Famous San Diego Zoo
Home to a large exhibit of orangutans.

A Second Chance for Orangutans
A program, sponsored by the Wildlife Conservation Society, that relocates wild orangutans to save them from hunters and habitat loss.

Tooling Through the Trees
An article about Carel van Schaik’s work with tool-using orangutans, from the November 1995 issue of DISCOVER magazine.

Print Resources

For those interested in learning more about the subjects shown in ORANGUTANS: JUST HANGIN’ ON, we recommend the following print articles and books.

Freeman, Karen. “Rescue of Besieged Orangutans Aids Research.” THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 4, 1997, C-3.

Galdikas, Birute. REFLECTIONS OF EDEN. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1995.

Karesh, William B. “Saving Orangutans: Taking the Offensive.” WILDLIFE CONSERVATION, January/February 1997, 43.

Kuznik, Steve. “How to Be an Orangutan.” INTERNATIONAL WILDLIFE, January/February 1997, 40-44.

Nadler, Ronald D., Birute F.M. Galdikas, Lori K. Sheeran, and Norm Rosen, eds. THE NEGLECTED APE. New York: Plenum Press, 1995.

Schwartz, Jeffrey H. THE RED APE: ORANGUTANS AND HUMAN ORIGINS. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1987.

van Schaik, Carel and Caroline Dopyera. “The Red Ape’s Surprise.” WILDLIFE CONSERVATION, January/February 1997, 36-43.



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