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Sly Bear Steals From Woodpecker’s Acorn Stash


There are many reasons Big Bend is good for bears and this is one of them. A clever bear stumbled upon a woodpecker’s large stash of acorns, which he continued to take from for days. Much to the disgust of the acorn woodpecker.


- [Narrator] There are many reasons Big Bend is good for bears.

And this is one of them.

Many months have passed and fall is a distant memory, but there are still acorns to be found - and bears love acorns.

This bear is skin and bone.

He's had a tough winter.

Nothing is going to stop him.

(wind whistling) For six days in a row, he keeps returning to this fountain of food, much to the disgust of the acorn woodpecker.

But there's nothing he can do except to watch months of hard work being dismantled in minutes.

(birds chirping) Most adult bears would think twice before climbing so high in a rotten tree but the fear of falling seems to be the lesser of two evils.

If there's more food higher up, this bear will do whatever it takes.

Acorns are full of protein and fat lifesavers for a desperate Big Bend bear.

Now, he just has to get down.


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