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- [Narrator] In some wild dog species, males bring food to the female, (crickets chirping) (animal chortling) but because around 80% of the small-toothed dog's diet is made up of insects, which can be found close to her den, the best way for Kraho- Kanela to get enough food is to find it herself.

(crickets chirping) (wild dog licking chops) With mom occupied, dad picks up the slack, (nocturnal nature sounds) keeping a watchful eye on the pups as they begin to explore their surroundings.

(nocturnal nature sounds) They're learning early that feeding on insects can be a bit, well, tricky.

(nocturnal nature sounds) And sometimes, the neighbors get in the way, (nocturnal nature sounds) but it's a skill they need to master and fast.

(nocturnal nature sounds) At this time of year, there's an abundance of food the pups must learn to take advantage of.

(nocturnal nature sounds) Termites.

(bugs scurrying) (crickets chirping) Just after the first rains of the season, something known as a 'revoada' occurs.

(bugs' wings flittering) (crickets chirping) Thousands of male and female winged termites emerge for their annual nuptial flight.

(bug's wings flittering) (crickets chirping) (sneaky music) (nocturnal nature sounds) Peter steps in to show the pups how it's done.

(bugs' wings flapping) His small muzzle contains specialized broadened molars, which allow him to crush the tough insects.

(nocturnal nature sounds) Mimicking their dad, the pups quickly get a taste for this new delicacy.

(animals chewing) (crickets chirping) This is a key lesson for the pups.

They're fast learners.

(playful music) (crickets chirping) But for some, it's all been a bit too much.

(bugs' wings flittering)


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