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The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International
Dedicated to the conservation of gorillas and their habitats in Africa through anti-poaching, regular monitoring, research, education and support of local communities, DFGFI uniquely continues to promote the ideals and vision of Dr. Dian Fossey. The site has information on Dr. Fossey’s research, mountain gorillas, and the Karisoke Research Center.

Mountain Gorillas – Classroom of the Future
Designed as a classroom resource, this mountain gorilla site covers many facets of the gorilla’s lives — from the story of the Virungas to the culture of the people who share the region with them.

Mountain Gorilla – African Wildlife Foundation
The site of this conservation organization provides further information on the habitat, behaviors, and diet of mountain gorillas — as well as information about how they can be protected.

Mountain Gorilla – World Wildlife Federation
This site provides further information about mountain gorillas, as well as about the WWF’s conservation efforts.

Mountain Gorilla Protection: A Geomatics Approach
The goal of this research project was to use advanced remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technologies (often referred to together as “Geomatics” technologies) to provide a digitized database of the mountain gorilla habitat.

Karisoke Research Center, Rwanda
A brief history of the research center, with a bibliography of work that was researched there.


De Waal, Frans. My Family Album: Thirty Years of Primate Photography. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2003.

Fossey, Dian. Gorillas in the Mist. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1983.

Freedman, Suzanne. Dian Fossey: Befriending the Gorillas. Austin: Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1996.

Hayes, Harold T.P. The Dark Romance of Dian Fossey. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990.

Prunier, Gerard. The Rwanda Crisis – History of a Genocide. London: Hurst, 1998.

Robbins, Martha M., Pascale Sicotte and Kelly J. Stewart. Mountain Gorillas: Three Decades of Research at Karisoke. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.


Kalman, Bobbie and Kristina Lundblad. Endangered Mountain Gorillas. New York: Crabtree: 2004.

Kane, Karen. Mountain Gorillas. Minneapolis: Lerner, 2001.

Lee, Evelyn, Paul Kratter, and Randy Kaye. Mountain Mists: A Story of the Virungas. Norwalk, Conn.: Soundprints, 1999.

Schott, Jane A. Dian Fossey and the Mountain Gorillas. Minneapolis: Millbrook, 2000.



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