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Visualizing the Scale of the Falls

Victoria Falls, the world’s largest waterfall, is very tall.  At 350 feet, it’s as high as a 35-story building, 45 feet taller than the Statue of Liberty from pedestal to torch, and more than twice as high as Niagara Falls.

More than 50 blue whales could fit between one end of the Falls and the other.

And while that towering height is impressive, its width is even more extraordinary.  At 5,603 feet, it is the largest uninterrupted curtain of falling water in the world.  To put that in perspective, that’s one mile (5,280 feet) plus 323 more feet after that.  Lined up end-to-end, more than 50 blue whales (the world’s largest mammals) or, if you prefer, about four-and-a-half Empire State Buildings could fit between one end of the Falls and the other.

Every second, enough water pours over the Falls to fill 148 concrete trucks.

During the rainy season, more than 300,000 gallons of water go over the Falls every second — enough to fill 148 concrete trucks.  In just over 12 minutes, the tremendous flow could cover one square mile with one foot of water.  And in one hour, enough water spills over Victoria Falls to fill 1,635 Olympic-sized swimming pools.



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