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Additional Web and Print Resources

Web resources:

Adelita’s Story
Website describes Adelita’s remarkable journey a decade ago. Maps and graphics included.

The Ocean Conservancy
Website associated with researcher Wallace J. Nichols. Focuses on critical ocean conservation issues such as restoring American fisheries and reducing human impact on wildlife.

Sea Turtle Conservation Network/Grupo Tortuguero
A network of people and organizations working for the recovery of Baja California’s sea turtles. Efforts focusing on fishing communities along the length of the 1000 mile-long peninsula and support enforcement of Mexico’s strong conservation laws.

Sea Turtle Conservancy
The mission of the Sea Turtle Conservancy is to ensure the survival of sea turtles within the wider Caribbean basin and Atlantic through research, education, training, advocacy and the protection of the natural habitats
A Web site that tracks the courses of over 1500 sea turtles. Allows users to sponsor their own sea turtle. Adelita’s complete migration can be found here.

Personal web site of Dr. Wallace J. Nicols
Dr. Wallace J. Nichols was the first researcher to place a satellite tag on a loggerhead sea turtle. His research led to the discovery that loggerheads make a long journey to nest. He is Co-Director of Ocean Revolution, an international program developed to inspire and empower a new wave of young leaders to protect the oceans.

Related episodes:

The Reptiles: Turtles and Tortoises
This Nature program takes a close look at the reptiles that have changed little in 200 million years.


Bernard Devaux, Bernard De Wetter. On the Trail of Sea Turtles. New York: Barrons Educational Series Inc, 2000.

Carr, Archie. The Windward Road. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1956

Carr, Archie. The Reptiles. New York: Time-Life Books, 1977.

Carr, Archie. The Sea Turtle–So Excellent A Fishe. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1986.

Davidson, Osha Grey. Fire in the Turtle House. New York: Public Affairs Press, 2002.

Rudloe, Jack. Time of the Turtle. New York: Truman Talley Books–E.P. Dutton, 1989.

Safina, Carl. Voyage of the Turtle. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 2006.



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