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Wild Stallions Fight to Mate


At the height of breeding season, a band stallion fends off bachelor stallions, eager to claim mares of their own.


(stallion neighing) - [Narrator] At the height of breeding season, a band stallion fends off bachelor stallions, eager to claim mares of their own.

For Phyllis, it's an opportunity to see how strong these bands truly are.

- The grullo is Jupiter, the gray, and he is tormenting the band stallion, Night, who's a roan, and he's keeping the bachelor away from his mares.

He's positioning himself in between them.

(stallions whinnying and squealing) It's getting more and more serious.

I can tell you, Night will not back down.

He will fight to the end for that palomino.

When the stallions confront each other, you almost know what's gonna happen, just by watching their eyes, watching their ears.

And here we go.

(stallions whinnying) Oh!


(stallion nickering) We got another band stallion get in the mix.

(stallions whinnying) Other bands are getting drawn into it.

(stallion squealing) The band stallions don't know where to go, because they're being challenged from all different directions.

(stallions whinnying) Wow, my goodness.

It's very, very intense (stallions whinnying) - [Narrator] Wild horses, doing what they've done here for ages.


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