The NATURE mini-series "Pets: Wild at Heart" shows how our pets' innate abilities and behaviors are rooted in their wild ancestry. Does your normally loving and well-behaved pet sometimes remind you of a wild animal? Submit your photo of your pet in their wildest pose! A few select submissions will be shared with NATURE's 250,000+ Facebook fans.

Donna Mercer

Mammoth Lakes, CA, United States

My best friend, Lucky. Very savvy. Growls when he sees bears or coyotes and run in the other room. He loves to show his wild side when he is let out to play. I make sure the bigger wild animals are not around when he is outside, I keep a sharp eye on him. One time a raccoon came on the deck. Lucky ran to the sliding glass door. I think Lucky thought it was another cat good thing they were on opposite sides of the glass. Don’t worry Lucky let go of the lizard and off it ran.