The NATURE mini-series "Pets: Wild at Heart" shows how our pets' innate abilities and behaviors are rooted in their wild ancestry. Does your normally loving and well-behaved pet sometimes remind you of a wild animal? Submit your photo of your pet in their wildest pose! A few select submissions will be shared with NATURE's 250,000+ Facebook fans.

Jennifer Lavin


I call this picture “Max of the Baskervilles.” You wouldn’t believe that this is the same gentle and happy dog that loves to visit the neighborhood kids at the bus stop but it is. When I took this picture we were at Lake Michigan and he had been trying to fetch a boat mooring out of the water. When he finally accepted that he couldn’t move it he just went crazy- running all around like a complete maniac. This picture makes me laugh so hard because Max looks so ferocious but he was honestly happy in this moment- head back, full on gallop, boundless energy and full of adventure. He does this periodically, after a good swim or if something funny happens or if I catch him eating poop. One time, he took off like this through a crowd of people at a softball game- soaking wet too because I had let him go down into the creek to get a drink. Luckily everyone there knew us because I was laughing too hard to try to stop him. Even today, going on fourteen years old he was tearing around in the woods, jumping bushes and running circles around me, just like when he was younger.