The NATURE mini-series "Pets: Wild at Heart" shows how our pets' innate abilities and behaviors are rooted in their wild ancestry. Does your normally loving and well-behaved pet sometimes remind you of a wild animal? Submit your photo of your pet in their wildest pose! A few select submissions will be shared with NATURE's 250,000+ Facebook fans.

John Geary

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Einstein the Amazon parrot looks a bit wild as he contemplates whether to attack or get away from the mini Jack’O’Lantern on his cage. Adopted from a rescue, he’s 20 years old and has lived with us for 10 years. He is one of four parrots we have lived with in the past 21 years, three of them having been adopted after previous owners surrendered them. Like all parrots, he can be a handful, between his noise, his jealousy of my spouse, and his mess (like all our birds he still has the power of flight and gets around the room quite well!) But he’s also incredibly affectionate can intriguing.