The NATURE mini-series "Pets: Wild at Heart" shows how our pets' innate abilities and behaviors are rooted in their wild ancestry. Does your normally loving and well-behaved pet sometimes remind you of a wild animal? Submit your photo of your pet in their wildest pose! A few select submissions will be shared with NATURE's 250,000+ Facebook fans.

Michelle Aponte

Denton, TX, United States

This lovely boy is Despereaux – aptly named by my kids due to the fact that he indeed does not have a tail. We were set to leave on a two week vacation during the Christmas break 2 years ago. The day before we were to fly out, a car sped by our house threw something out of the window, and drove away. That something was Despereaux. After crawling under a car to rescue him, we noticed that he had a little bit of road rash from the fall but other than that was physically fine. We had no idea what to do with him (at the time we had 4 cats and 2 large dogs). A shelter wasn’t an option so our pet sitter, my mom, agreed to try and take care of him along with the rest of the “farm” while we were away. He and the other pets did wonderful together and he is now the center of our family. Honestly, this cat is a true character. This is his “I’m an intense kitty of the jungle” look.